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East Ventures: The Startup’s Roadmap for Successful Funding

Dream of launching your groundbreaking startup? You’re not alone! Indonesia’s tech ecosystem offers abundant opportunities for aspiring founders like you to make your mark. You might be unsure where to start. With determination, yet, you could be the next big unicorn! Find out the strategic roadmap by East Ventures, a pioneering and leading sector-agnostic venture […]

KUMPUL.ID and Womenpreneur HIPMI Signed Memorandum of Understanding in Collaboration To Strengthening the Women Entrepreneurship Ecosystem with Strategic Initiatives

HIPMI Womenpreneur BPP HIPMI and KUMPUL.ID, two leading entities in advancing entrepreneurship in Indonesia, proudly announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at strengthening collaboration and support for women entrepreneurs in Indonesia. In the context of entrepreneurship, the role and contribution of women are increasingly recognized and valued. The collaboration between Womenpreneur […]

KUMPUL.ID Rayakan Hari Jadi ke-9 dengan Prestasi Pemberdayaan Kewirausahaan Indonesia

AKURAT.CO – KUMPUL.ID, platform kewirausahaan, startup, dan UMKM terkemuka di Indonesia, merayakan hari jadinya yang ke-9 dengan pencapaian terbarunya dalam mendukung ekosistem kewirausahaan di tanah air. Sejak berdiri pada tahun 2015, KUMPUL.ID telah berkomitmen untuk menjadi penggerak utama dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan para pelaku kewirausahaan, termasuk perusahaan rintisan (startup) dan UMKM di Indonesia. Dengan fokus pada […]

Kemitraan Kemenparekraf dan KUMPUL.ID Tingatkan Kelangsungan Hidup Startup hingga 60 Persen

Peluncuran BEKUP 2023 oleh Kemenparekraf bersama KUMPUL.ID

iNews – Dinamika ekonomi digital Indonesia bertumbuh dalam angka positif tiap tahunnya, menjadi salah satu penggerak ekonomi nasional menjadikannya potensi untuk terus dieksplorasi peluangnya. Ekonomi digital Indonesia yang terus bertumbuh juga didukung dengan potensi kawasan ASEAN yang memiliki nilai ekonomi digital yang diperkirakan akan terus meningkat pada tahun 2025, dan diprediksi menyentuh nilai US$ 1 […]

Nurturing Organic Growth: Tanio’s Journey from Seed to Success

The Green Revolution is quietly unfolding globally in the food industry, transforming the agricultural landscape and reshaping how we perceive our food. The demand for organic produce has steadily gained momentum in recent years, driven by a growing awareness of health-conscious consumers and a collective concern for the nation’s food security. The organic food industry’s […]

Collective Initiatives on Supporting Sustainability Ecosystem

Hands preserving replica of green earth

In an era where global challenges demand collective action, sustainability stands out as a paramount concern for nations across the world. Indonesia, with its rich biodiversity and cultural diversity, finds itself at the crossroads of a crucial decision-making juncture. Tackling sustainability issues has become imperative for the nation’s well-being. Focusing on the intersection of business […]