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KUMPUL empowers the digital startup ecosystem. “For us in government, KUMPUL has the capability to develop our Baparekraf for Startup program effectively, contributing to the growth of entrepreneurship in Indonesia, and has been instrumental in empowering the digital and tech startup ecosystem.” Muhammad Neil El Himam Deputy Chairman for Digital Economy and Creative Products, Ministry […]
GTCP In collaboration with the Korea Social Investment Foundation, we launched a GTCP program to help high-growth innovative South Korean businesses explore and understand market access in Indonesia. EXPLORE PROGRAMS
JETRO X-Hub in Jakarta
JETRO X-Hub in Jakarta In collaboration with JETRO Indonesia, we launched JETRO X-Hub in Jakarta to create opportunities for Japanese startups, fostering international collaboration and driving innovation for business growth. EXPLORE PROGRAMS
. SEABX In collaboration with the AUSTRADE, we co-delivered SEABX program to showcase vibrant trends in the Indonesian startup ecosystem to visiting Australian representatives. EXPLORE PROGRAMS
The Future of Work for Women: UN Women Insights
By 2050, it is estimated that 75 percent of future jobs will be in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields (UNESCO, 2018). However, despite their potential, women are still underrepresented in the STEM sectors. Indonesia is experiencing a digital revolution, and women are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping its future. The […]
Roadshow Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion 2024
Roadshow Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion 2024 – Yogyakarta Inviting all startups to join the excitement of Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion Roadshow with amazing startups and founders. Book Your Seat Roadshow Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion 2024 – Yogyakarta Inviting all startups to join the excitement of Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion Roadshow with amazing startups and founders. Book Your Seat
A Generation Born Digital – Young Founders Shaping APAC’s Economic Future
Asia is currently undergoing significant shifts in its youth population dynamics. Projections indicate a decrease in the number of youths aged 15 to 24 in Asia and the Pacific, from 718 million in 2015 to 711 million by 2030 and further to 619 million by 2060 (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2015). […]
Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion 2024
Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion 2024 Get support to your startup’s tech innovation with exclusive workshop, mentorship, and access to global partners, initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Sign up now
Luncurkan Program Bale Berdaya, Amman Mineral dan KUMPUL.ID Bentuk Ekosistem UMKM di NTB
Sumbawa, 7 Mei 2024 – PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (Amman), salah satu perusahaan tambang tembaga dan emas terbesar di Indonesia, bersama Kumpul.ID, sebagai penggerak ekosistem kewirausahaan terbesar di Indonesia, turut menginisiasi pembentukan ekosistem UMKM di Kabupaten Sumbawa melalui program pemberdayaan UMKM ‘Bale Berdaya’. Inisiatif ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya saing UMKM dan mendorong pertumbuhan […]
OKE Garden: Cultivating a Sustainable Future for Urban Green Spaces
In the heart of Indonesia’s bustling urban landscape, OKE Garden is blossoming as a beacon of innovation. They are transforming the way individuals and businesses connect with the serenity of nature and have emerged as a one-stop solution for all things landscaping, seamlessly bridging the gap between design, implementation, and maintenance. The potential of the […]