She Hack Testi 3
Khoirun Mumpuni COO of Karla Bionics Thank you for yoursupport and trust on ourstartup. SheHacks helped to strengthen our sales’ strategy through series of intensive discussion with our mentors and valuable networks in within the program.
She Hack Testi 2
Hanna Keraf Chief of Community Developmentand Partnership of Krealogi This collaborationbecame a big opportunityfor Krealogi. We are proud to be part of SheHacks’ community to get valuable knowledge and connected with partners needed to grow our business even further
She Hack Testi 1
Ratih Rachmatika CEO & Co-Founder SIAB Indonesia We got the chance topitch in Singapore! We get many meaningful insights through 1 on 1 mentoring sessions and helped us connected with industry partners in water management technology to expand our business’ growth. We also had the chance to join in Indonesian Green and Tourism Startup in […]