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Roadshow Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion 2024

Roadshow Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion 2024 – Yogyakarta Inviting all startups to join the excitement of Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion Roadshow with amazing startups and founders. Book Your Seat

Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion 2024

Baparekraf Scale-Up Champion 2024 Get support to your startup’s tech innovation with exclusive workshop, mentorship, and access to global partners, initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Sign up now

Google Play Academy Study Jam 2024

Google Play Academy Study Jam 2024 Become a professional developer today and build your apps. Win chance to get Google Store Listing Certificate and trained by Google Play experts. Join Now

SheHacks 2024

Join SheHacks 2024 With thousands of women entrepreneurs, join the biggest women empowerment program and build your dream business through series of mentorship programs and more. Join Now